Legal mention

Digit Fishing is administrated by La Ligne Web

This website is is owned by the company DREAM UNIT FISHING ©


The director of the publication is Romain Grimaldi

Intellectual property

All the elements that make up the site (photos, graphic images, logos, animations, modeled elements, etc.), as well as technological elements (administrative back-office, services offered, etc.) are protected by copyright and are the property of exclusive to DREAM UNIT FISHING ©.

The contents of the site (texts, articles, etc.) are the exclusive property of their authors and may not be reproduced or used without their consent. In accordance with the provisions of Article L. 122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code, any reproduction of partial or total content of the site is prohibited, whatever its form (reproduction, nesting, distribution, techniques of “inline linking ”And“ framing ”…). Direct links established to downloadable files (whatever their format) present on our site are also prohibited.If you wish to establish a link with our site, please contact DREAM UNIT FISHING © before setting up the link pointing to its site or its content.


The contents of the site published by DREAM UNIT FISHING © have been developed with the greatest care. As such, no illegal or defamatory content is broadcast on it. In addition, they do not present any character that could be considered “misleading advertising” within the meaning of articles 121-1 et seq. Of the Consumer Code.

Computing and Freedom

In accordance with Articles 38 and 40 of Law 2004-801 of 06/08/2004, you have the right to access, rectify and delete data concerning you. This right can be exercised online by sending an email to or by post to the above address.

Hosting & Creation

Creation: La Ligne Web – 1140 rue André Ampère, Immeuble Le Vinci, 13851 Aix en Provence.

The site is hosted on a dedicated server via the company OVH

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